Day Before Rosh Hashanah
Annulment of vows, mikvah, Psalms, and no shofar. These are some of the day-before-Rosh Hashanah observances.
New Year Greetings
On Rosh Hashanah it is customary to greet one another with blessings and good wishes for a good year... Also, send electronic Shana Tova greeting cards to your family and friends!
Rosh Hashanah Eve Meal
Kiddush, New Fruit, apple and challah dipped in honey, and a host of other traditional Rosh Hashanah foods — your complete guide to the holiday's evening meals.
Shofar — Call to Action
Shofar basics: When do we blow? Why a shofar? Who needs to hear the blasts of the ram's horn, and much more...
Cast Away Your Sins - Tashlich
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, we go to a lake, river or to the sea, and recite the Tashlich prayers, where we symbolically cast our sins into the water...
Laws of Yom Tov
By Naftali Silberberg
The biblical holidays on the Jewish calendar have many unique laws and traditions. What is allowed and what is not allowed? And what are yom tov's unique mitzvot?